Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Who should be held accountable..............

This article was basically about a 15-year-old girl being gang rape and beaten outside a high school homecoming dance . One Saturday night psychologists say as many as 20 people watched and recorded the innocent 15-year-old girl get raped and beaten.Ten was doing the raping and ten were bystanders. In my opinion,I think that was really terrible and someone should have been securing the premises around the schooling area even though some patrols were out there but they just didn't wait to see everyone leave. The press release says they went on for about two hours attacking the innocent girl. They said she had been drinking and one of her so-called friends call her over in a dark alley and that's when everything took place. I don't think she was that popular in school but that still wasn't a reason to do such a horrible thing. The dance was said to be over at 9:00p.m.but there wasn't anyone to see the incident. My questions are: Why didn't the patrols stay and make sure everything looked okay before they just took off? Where were the coordinator/cooordinators over the homecoming dance? Why didn't anyone run and get help for the poor little girl, she was only 15? What popped up in their mind to do someone like that? It's many more questions but getting back to discussion. It left the little girl hospitalized and unconcious,something she didn't deserve even if they didn't like her, her appearance,smell,or even the way she dressed. It was just nonsence and I feel the coordinators and patrols should be responsible. The father probably didn't think anything about when he went to pick her up that why he didn't notify the police,but someone shouldn't had some sense.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Harvard University Researcher Says Coffee Was Poisoned on Purpose

This article was basically about a Havard University researcher says his coffee was posoined on purpose. The chemicals was very powerful and highly dosed. One sip of the coffee had around thirty-three out of six people became ill from the posioned coffee. The symptons was many of the people broke out in sweat and were fainting. Although, one person did have to stay overnight in the hospital because of the fainting spells. It started when the students were having rapid heartbeats and increase of blood pressure. In my opinion, I wanted to know who would do such a thing. The coffee machine made everyone sick who had drunk the coffee. In their perspective they probably thought the coffee was alright. But it's a saying every that look good ain't good. After that happened the coffee machines had to be removed.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Obesity is a issue with Americans in today's society. It affects adults and children in the United States. Many people are not watching what they eat. They are just eating and before you know it they're overweight. It an disadvantage because economy is having a nation of overweighted people and the federal government is getting involved because they are getting expensive. Most parmedics that are driving ambulances about to start charging plus size people extra because of their weight. About 147 billion a year are spent directly on obesity and underlying health conditions. Once you are overweighted you have to watch for health problems because they will ease up on you and it may seems in your point of view everything fine, so I advised anyone that think their getting to the stage of obesity to be very caution and careful. Also watching what you eat, taking vitamins and exercising daily are factors.If I was in this predicament I would just go on a fasting diet.

15- year- old charged in Missouri girl death

This article was basically about a 15-year-old murdering a 9-year-old girl. The person was to young for him/she name or gender to be released. The 9-year-old girl was walking from a neighbor's house when all the conflict took place. They described the fourth grader as a quiet,loving,and shy little girl. Her aunt deacribed her as angel. She was afraid of the dark and that where the investigators found her at in a wooded area 2 days after she was murdered. Her family is still grieving about the situation because they are wondering why did it happen and who would want to do such a terrible thing. Elizabeth father found out about the incident through television in prison. He has to serve 4 years in prison for the posssesion of drugs. In, my opinion I think whoever did this should get taught a good lesson for his/her wrongdoing. I feel shouldn't no innocent person deserve to died.Everyone is talking about the shocking news. A precious, innocent little girl has lost her life for nothing.