Wednesday, December 9, 2009

House fire burns the holidays

The day before Thanksgiving the Rawls house burn down. A single mother and her four children stayed there.Felicia, the mother was out Thanksgiving shopping when she received a phone call from her daughter saying the house had just burn down after a grease incident. She rushed home to see if her children was alright,when she got there they were standing outside. Felicia was so hurt because all she could think about was all their things including clothes,shoes,washing machine,and many more things had been destroyed.She had just bought the washing machine and did not get to use it because it was in the fire. Felicia lived off a small income and child support. She began looking for another house and found one that was suitable for her family for 1200 a month and that was too much for her because she didn't have a job. She was just living off the little money she had. Felicia daughter went to a public school and many people heard about the incident and donated many things to the family from the staffs to the janitors.The family was very thankful for the items although the things they really wanted was destroyed.The children lost all their toys for Christmas in the fire but they wasn't really worried too much about that, they just wanted clothes and shoes. The only thing that wasn't destroyed was the children bikes and they loaded them on their mother pick up truck. They are now living with relatives until they find another home.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Medical Marijuana is legal in some states!!!

Marijuana is becoming legal in some states in the U.S. They are actually using the term (medical marijuana) so people want think it is illegal.It is legal in California and Michigan and they are hosting programs that is going on in different schools and it is in almost every class. In Michigan,a 24-year-old discovered the college in Southfield Michigan and thought they could make millions of dollars off the medical marijuana. He said it will stimulate the state economy because the state needed jobs because peoples are in need of money. They were gathering potheads and sharing their best stories trying to make the drugs sell fast saying it is medicated.The big business was growing faster and faster when people found out it was legal in Michigan under the new state law. On the other hand,California, the oldest business it was even picked up on selling the drug. They began getting hundreds of patients and caregivers.When the patients were certified by their doctors and knew the medical marijuana would fulfill their medical need they were called caregivers. It was $5,800 patients and $2,400 caregivers also anyone that was over twenty one with no drug convictions could be a caregiver and have up to five patients.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Famous Basketball player contributes to a 5-year old funeral

This article was about a 5-year-old little girl that was believed to being postituted by her mother.She was an innocent little girl and didn't know what her mother had her doing.She went missing on the 10th of November and was found six days later 30 miles from her home along the roadside dead.Officials says she was kidnapped,raped,and murdered. After watching the news the famous basketball player Shaq was touched and paid for the little girl funeral. He wanted the funeral to be as beautiful as she was.The averaged spending of the funeral was $4,500 in all. Shaniya father and his family had her a trust fund going and was raising money for the service. They said anything that was left would go to the neglected and children of child abuse. The family was grieving because of the sad incident and investigators have her mother and another man charged for the incident. They should rot in prison or get death penatly because that wasn't right at all. Taking an innocent child life is like taking cookies from a cookie jar and eating it.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What a terrible crime!!!

This article was about a ex-sheriff and minister that was slain over eight dollars.The minister had a church in Minter City,where he was currently pastoring at.One night a young man entered his apartment;the news release said the two men knew each other from the young man working for the minister in the past.After he entered the home of the minister they had an disagreement and the young man stab the minister several times in the process the live-in caregiver had multiple stab wounds too. Both of them died and their funeral services was held at the minister church. The crime he committed was unecessary over eight dollars to get a hit. He should serve the death penalty or life imprisonment because that was very horrible for the two innocent people to die over the little petty cash. How could he put his life on the line like that for a hit? The minister was already suffering from Parkinsan disease and just didn't know his life was about to end so soon.All the sheriff in Grenada County were pallbearers for the minister funeral. It was very grieving and sad.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

4-year-old Florida girl missing

This article was about a Florida girl that was only 4-year-old at the time she went missing. After a two week long weekend the little girl went missing and doesn't no one knows where she's disappeared.Investigators says the little girl babysitter visited her boyfriend family house and that when all the action took place. I know the little girl"s family is grieving because they doesn't know what to think and just going by what investigators saying.Cooper, the babysitter should be held responisible because she was in charge for watching the little girl while they were away. Cooper is telling the investigators that her boyfriend was held before for a girl's disappearance that he probabably had commited. But if that was the case I was trying to see why she still was with him. She said when he becomes angry he tries to get rid of and handle things and get it out his way. They were staying at his grsndmother's house and investigators were still searching for him and the girl.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Who should be held accountable..............

This article was basically about a 15-year-old girl being gang rape and beaten outside a high school homecoming dance . One Saturday night psychologists say as many as 20 people watched and recorded the innocent 15-year-old girl get raped and beaten.Ten was doing the raping and ten were bystanders. In my opinion,I think that was really terrible and someone should have been securing the premises around the schooling area even though some patrols were out there but they just didn't wait to see everyone leave. The press release says they went on for about two hours attacking the innocent girl. They said she had been drinking and one of her so-called friends call her over in a dark alley and that's when everything took place. I don't think she was that popular in school but that still wasn't a reason to do such a horrible thing. The dance was said to be over at 9:00p.m.but there wasn't anyone to see the incident. My questions are: Why didn't the patrols stay and make sure everything looked okay before they just took off? Where were the coordinator/cooordinators over the homecoming dance? Why didn't anyone run and get help for the poor little girl, she was only 15? What popped up in their mind to do someone like that? It's many more questions but getting back to discussion. It left the little girl hospitalized and unconcious,something she didn't deserve even if they didn't like her, her appearance,smell,or even the way she dressed. It was just nonsence and I feel the coordinators and patrols should be responsible. The father probably didn't think anything about when he went to pick her up that why he didn't notify the police,but someone shouldn't had some sense.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Harvard University Researcher Says Coffee Was Poisoned on Purpose

This article was basically about a Havard University researcher says his coffee was posoined on purpose. The chemicals was very powerful and highly dosed. One sip of the coffee had around thirty-three out of six people became ill from the posioned coffee. The symptons was many of the people broke out in sweat and were fainting. Although, one person did have to stay overnight in the hospital because of the fainting spells. It started when the students were having rapid heartbeats and increase of blood pressure. In my opinion, I wanted to know who would do such a thing. The coffee machine made everyone sick who had drunk the coffee. In their perspective they probably thought the coffee was alright. But it's a saying every that look good ain't good. After that happened the coffee machines had to be removed.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Obesity is a issue with Americans in today's society. It affects adults and children in the United States. Many people are not watching what they eat. They are just eating and before you know it they're overweight. It an disadvantage because economy is having a nation of overweighted people and the federal government is getting involved because they are getting expensive. Most parmedics that are driving ambulances about to start charging plus size people extra because of their weight. About 147 billion a year are spent directly on obesity and underlying health conditions. Once you are overweighted you have to watch for health problems because they will ease up on you and it may seems in your point of view everything fine, so I advised anyone that think their getting to the stage of obesity to be very caution and careful. Also watching what you eat, taking vitamins and exercising daily are factors.If I was in this predicament I would just go on a fasting diet.

15- year- old charged in Missouri girl death

This article was basically about a 15-year-old murdering a 9-year-old girl. The person was to young for him/she name or gender to be released. The 9-year-old girl was walking from a neighbor's house when all the conflict took place. They described the fourth grader as a quiet,loving,and shy little girl. Her aunt deacribed her as angel. She was afraid of the dark and that where the investigators found her at in a wooded area 2 days after she was murdered. Her family is still grieving about the situation because they are wondering why did it happen and who would want to do such a terrible thing. Elizabeth father found out about the incident through television in prison. He has to serve 4 years in prison for the posssesion of drugs. In, my opinion I think whoever did this should get taught a good lesson for his/her wrongdoing. I feel shouldn't no innocent person deserve to died.Everyone is talking about the shocking news. A precious, innocent little girl has lost her life for nothing.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Raw:Tsunami damage in American Samoa

The quake, with a magnitude between 8.0 and 8.3, struck around dawn about 125 miles from Samoa, an island nation of 180,000 people located about halfway between New Zealand and Hawaii. It struck about 120 miles from neighboring American Samoa, a U.S. territory that is home to 65,000 people.
Raw: Tsunami damage in American Samoa Click to play
Four tsunami waves 15 to 20 feet high roared ashore on American Samoa, reaching up to a mile inland, Mike Reynolds, superintendent of the National Park of American Samoa, was quoted as saying by a parks service spokeswoman.
Hampered by power and communications outages, officials struggled to determine damage and casualties.
Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi looked shaken Wednesday on board a flight from Auckland, New Zealand, to the Samoan capital of Apia.
"So much has gone. So many people are gone," he told reporters on board. "I'm so shocked, so saddened by all the loss."
Malielegaoi said his own village of Lepa was destroyed.
"Thankfully, the alarm sounded on the radio and gave people time to climb to higher ground," he said. "But not everyone escaped."
Gov. Tulafono told reporters in Hawaii that a member of his extended family was among the dead in American Samoa.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Deadly floods in Atlanta Georgia

Deadly floods in Atlanta, GA was a diaster. Many peoples lost their homes and apartments in the storm. The storm also killed alot of people that was out. A woman was in her car and call a dispatcher because the water was overflowing. The dispathcher told her to break a window to get out but it was to late. Some young children also saw some people that needed help but the water was overflowing. Downtown Georgia and Austell was full of water. Obama said over $250 million damage was detroyed. I hate that for the people because some people have to live in shelters until they get back on there feet.
Watch CBS Videos Online

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fashion in clothing

My favorite hobby is clothing. I loves fashion clothing because it brings my complexion out especially the clothes that haves alot of colors in the clothing. I try my best to dress to impress. The fashion clothing is very nice and it also will really be nice if you put some heels on with it. It will not only test my swagger but will give others people ideas of dressing. I don't dress all the time but dress when I can because it very cool.